Monday, September 24, 2007

Not Even Roomba can Handle THIS!

This is how I started my day at 5:30 am.


Well, you KNOW how much I adore gizmos! So, a few months ago I bought a “Foodasver” at Tuesday Morning (love that store). It came with all sorts of extra bags, a bag cutter, and three “airtight” storage containers. Perfect for me: I’m a real Costco fan. I mean, if you are going to buy an entire side of beef, a five pound block of cheese, or four pounds of butter, you had better be able to store it properly (I’ll tell you about the chest freezer for my 40th some other time). It was so cheap, it was almost as good as free – after all, I am gonna save SO much money by never having to throw away spoiled food. Right? Well, sort of…

My husband, and I am hoping I am not alone here, goes through phases. Every few weeks, he is all about eating right, blah, blah, blah. In the words of Marge Simpson, “OK, honey, I’ll take in all of your slacks.” AS IF! His first trip is always to the cereal aisle (nothing like some good ole carbs to help trim the old waistline),, hence six boxes of “healthy” cereal. OK, twigs and sticks. Um, get some more TP, heavy fiber. Can I compost that? The cereal, that is.

Here is the down side. He has no problem putting all of the cereal into those nifty airtight containers, but apparently, he has a problem actually resealing them again. So, I go to get my dd some cereal this morning, and Voila! Dog treats on the floor! This is NOT saving me any money. This is NOT for free. THIS IS a pain in my derriere! Not even my darling roomba could help me here. He made that, “ I am going to die” special beeping right away. Maybe he is not a morning person either.

I do not like brooms.
I avoid them in all my rooms,
I do not like them in my hand.
I do not like them when I stand.
I do not like them to clean the floor.
I do not like them anymore.
I do not like them and their dust.
I do not like them, but they are a must.
I do not like those brooms of mine,
I want to shred them like bits of pine.
I want a roomba to do all my work.
And, if I can, then it’s a perk.
I need a maid, and that is that,
If you can help me, then you are “Phat.”

Foodsavers do have one extra perk: if you put a “Peep” (you know, those hyper sweet marshmallow treats in fun shapes like bunnies, Santa’s, and pumpkins) into a foodsaver container and suck out the air – that cute little peep swells to twice its size, much like me when I was pregnant. Happy day;-)

1 comment:

Not June Cleaver said...

Thanks to Bloglines, I see your updates without even trying!

Do you think they make shredded wheat out of brooms?

And you got a freezer for your 40th? I'm so jealous.

See you Thursday.